Mysql 内:select unix_timestamp('2016-10-20') <---> select from_unixtime(147662104)
转时间戳:date +%s <---> date -d @1476762104 ---- 小 Q
(1)、no agents:不需要在被管控主机上安装任何客户端;
(2)、no server:无服务器端,使用时直接运行命令即可;
(3)、modules in any languages:基于模块工作,可使用任意语言开发模块;
(4)、yaml,not code:使用yaml语言定制剧本playbook;
(5)、ssh by default:基于SSH工作;
(6)、strong multi-tier solution:可实现多级指挥。
开源UI: 文档
(1)、服务端:centos 6.5
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y ansible
生成秘钥:ssh-keygen -t rsa(一路回车即可,不需要设置秘钥密码)
拷贝公钥:server:/root/.ssh/ >>> client:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
更改权限:client:chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
vi /etc/ansible/hosts //增加
说明: client为主机组名字,自定义的。 下面三个为两个组内的机器ip和一个dns解析过的域名。
ansible host-pattern -m module -a command
[ host-pattern:类似于正则,匹配客户机和客户机组;module:可通过ansible-doc -l 查询 ]
ansible client -m command -a 'w'
ansible client -m copy -a "src=/etc/ansible dest=/tmp/ansibletest owner=root group=root mode=0644"
ansible testhost -m copy -a "src=/etc/passwd dest=/tmp/123"
shell脚本:vim /tmp/ //加入内容
#!/bin/bashecho 'I am shell' > /tengxun/monitor.txt
先分发:ansible client -m copy -a "src=/tmp/ dest=/tmp/ mod=0755"
后执行:ansible client -m shell -a "/tmp/"
用管道:ansible client -m shell -a "cat /etc/passwd|wc -l "
添加:ansible client -m cron -a "name='test cron' job='/bin/touch /tmp/1212.txt' weekday=6"
删除:关键加一个 state=absent
ansible client -m cron -a "name='test cron' job='/bin/touch /tmp/1212.txt' weekday=6 state=absent"
其他的时间表示:分钟 minute 小时 hour 日期 day 月份 month
(6)、yum 模块:
ansible client -m yum -a "name=httpd"
ansible client -m service -a "name=httpd state=started enabled=yes"
name:服务名称 enabled:开机自启
#附加:文档查看ansible-doc -l #列出所有的模块ansible-doc cron #查看指定模块的文档
(1)、举例:cat /etc/ansible/test.yml
--- #严格注意格式, - 和 : 后都要有空格分隔- hosts: client #主机或主机群组 remote_user: root #客户端执行命令的用户 tasks: - name: test_playbook #任务的名字 shell: touch /tengxun/test.txt #具体执行的任务
执行:ansible-playbook test.yml
举例:批量创建用户 vim /etc/ansible/create_user.yml
---- name: create_user hosts: client user: root gather_facts: false #参数指定再执行一下任务之前,是否先执行setup模块获取主机相关信息 vars: #参数指定变量,变量值要用引号大括号括住 - user: "test" tasks: - name: create user user: name="{ { user }}" #user: name=“test”
ansible -m setup 的输出就是 gather_facts 指定的。
#vim /etc/ansible/while.yml---- hosts: client user: root tasks: - name: change mod for file file: path=/tengxun/{ { item }} mode=600 owner=root group=root # shell: touch /tengxun/{ { item }} mode=600 owner=root group=root with_items: ##重点:格式和单词 - 1.txt - 2.txt - 3.txt
执行:ansible-playbook while.yml
#vim /etc/ansible/when.yml---- hosts: client remote_user: root #==user: root gather_facts: True #上面介绍过 tasks: - name: use when shell: touch /tengxun/when.txt when: facter_ipaddress == "" #有的系统不支持了 #when: ansible_system == "Linux"
执行:ansible-playbook when.yml
##适合于配置文件变更后重启操作的handlers#vim /etc/ansible/handlers.yml---- hosts: client remote_user: root tasks: - name: test copy copy: src=/tengxun/1.txt dest=/tengxun/handlers.txt notify: test handlers #调用了下面的handlers名字 handlers: - name: test handlers shell: echo "1212121212" >> /handlers/2.txt
注意:只有copy模块真正执行后,才会去调用下面的handlers操作。也就是说如果1.txt和2.txt内容是一样的,并不会去执行handlers里面的shell相关命令。 这种比较适合配置文件发生更改后,重启服务的操作。
安装nginx 1.4.3
cd /shell/ansible/
mkdir nginx_install
mkdir -p nginx_install/roles/{common,delete,install}/{handlers,files,meta,tasks,templates,vars}
##说明:roles规则下有三个角色common为一些准备操作(准备一些包)delete为删除nginx的操作install为安装nginx的操作##角色下又有几个目录handlers下面是当发生改变时要执行的操作,通常用在配置文件发生改变,重启服务;templates通常存一些配置文件,启动脚本等模板文件;meta为说明信息,说明角色依赖等信息;files为安装时用到的一些文 件;tasks里面是核心的配置文件;vars下为定义的变量。
vim nginx_install/roles/common/tasks/main.yml
- name: Install initializtion require software yum: name={ { item }} state=installed with_items: - gcc - zlib-devel - pcre-devel
vim nginx_install/roles/install/vars/main.yml
nginx_user: wwwnginx_port: 80nginx_web_dir: /data/wwwnginx_version: 1.4.3
ls nginx_install/roles/install/files/
nginx-1.4.3.tar.gzls nginx_install/roles/install/templates
index.html index.php nginx nginx.conf vhost.conf
vim nginx_install/roles/install/tasks/copy.yml
- name: Copy Nginx Software To Redhat Client copy: src=nginx-{ { nginx_version }}.tar.gz dest=/tmp/nginx-{ { nginx_version }}.tar.gz owner=root group=root when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Uncompression Nginx Software To Redhat Client shell: tar zxf /tmp/nginx-{ { nginx_version }}.tar.gz -C /usr/local/ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Copy Nginx Start Script To Redhat Client template: src=nginx dest=/etc/init.d/nginx owner=root group=root mode=0755 when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Copy Nginx Config To Redhat Client template: src=nginx.conf dest=/usr/local/nginx-{ { nginx_version }}/conf/ owner=root group=root mode=0644 when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Copy Nginx Vhost Config to RedHat Client template: src=vhost.conf dest=/usr/local/nginx-{ { nginx_version }}/conf/vhost/ owner=root group=root mode=0644 when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6
vim nginx_install/roles/install/tasks/install.yml
- name: Create Nginx User In Redhat Client user: name={ { nginx_user }} state=present createhome=no shell=/sbin/nologin when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Create Nginx Dir file: dest={ { nginx_web_dir }}/{ { item }} state=directory with_items: - vhost - logs when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Modify Nginx Dir Permission In Redhat Client file: path={ { item }} owner={ { nginx_user }} group={ { nginx_user }} mode=0755 with_items: - "{ { nginx_web_dir }}" - /usr/local/nginx-{ { nginx_version }} when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Create Index Html To Redhat Client template: src=index.html dest={ { nginx_web_dir }}/vhost/index.html owner={ { nginx_user }} group={ { nginx_user }} mode=0644 when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Install Check Script In Redhat Client template: src=index.php dest={ { nginx_web_dir }}/vhost/ owner={ { nginx_user }} group={ { nginx_user }} mode=0644 when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Start Nginx Service In Redhat Client service: name=nginx state=restarted when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Add Boot Start Nginx Service In Redhat Client shell: chkconfig --level 345 nginx on when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6vim ./install/tasks/delete.yml - name: Delete Nginx compression Software In Redhat Client shell: rm -rf /tmp/nginx-{ { nginx_version }}.tar.gz when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6
vim nginx_install/roles/install/tasks/main.yml
- include: copy.yml- include: install.yml- include: delete.yml
vim nginx_install/roles/install.yml //总入口文件
---- hosts: client remote_user: root gather_facts: True roles: - common - install
vim nginx_install/roles/delete/vars/main.yml
nginx_user: wwwnginx_port: 80nginx_web_dir: /data/webroot/nginxnginx_version: 1.4.3
vim nginx_install/roles/delete/tasks/main.yml
- include: delete.yml
vim nginx_install/roles/delete/tasks/delete.yml
- name: stop nginx service shell: ps -ef|grep nginx|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 >>/dev/null 2>&1 ignore_errors: yes when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Delete Nginx Boot Start Script shell: chkconfig --del nginx ignore_errors: yes when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Delete Nginx Dir shell: rm -rf /usr/local/nginx-{ { nginx_version }} when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Delete Nginx User shell: userdel { { nginx_user }} ignore_errors: yes when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6 - name: Delete Nginx Service Start Script shell: rm -rf /etc/init.d/nginx when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version|int >=6
vim nginx_install/roles/delete.yml
---- hosts: client remote_user: root gather_facts: True roles: - delete
安装nginx: ansible-playbook install.yml
删除nginx: ansible-playbook delete.yml
实例库:git clone git://